
327 files
5 scores
1 acoustic music box
1 electronic music box
60 sheets music box tape
6 performers
1 assistant
6 3d printed mouthpieces
1 laptop
2 iPods
4 iPads
1 iBook
5 poems
6 programs
13.98 GB
40 mins

Conduit. A site-specific performance for the MCA, May 2014

Written, directed and choreographed by Lee Blalock.

Concept: The music box is re-imagined to serve a dual purpose as a body modification and a form of codified communication. Performers stationed around the galleries perform various tasks at specified times while, at times, interacting with digital media via sensory input. The performance is supplemented by a media document (in the form of an iBook) which guides the viewer through 4 stages of the performance and encourages them to interact with the performers in order to change their behavior [mutation]. The iBook is available here.

Scroll horizontally for images. For the process blog go to this link.

Documentation... Photos by Michael E. Smith (with the exception ofv the first image, shared by an attendee.)
Performers: Cheryl Cornacchione, Tommy Heffron, Lisa Leszczewicz, Emily Lukasewski, Ally Subak. Assistant: Steve Germana.




iBook media companion link... Click on image