This body of work is inspired by the idea of a 0(zero)body, or a body that has undergone a process of de-embodiment through death. aquerra is a world contained in a tank where the water acts as a symbol of immersive and fluid virtuality. It's a poetic narrative about the ultimate habitat-switching that is awaiting us all. Exhibition: / (slash) Fictions of Presence, 2024.
(1st row)"aquerraA", poem, aluminum, kitbashed resin figures, usb drive with images, atomizer, microcontroller, 20 gallon tank, water. The world within the tank is dark until the light and fogger are triggered every 15 mins. The poem reads "leaves this sun with hope for another", though the arrangement of the words change as the fog dissipates.
(2nd row)"aquerraB", ipad, 3d model, soluble paper, pigment, stones, pump, tubing, microcontroller, 5 gallon tank, water. The motor pumps water through a tube and into the pile of stones which frees the pigment over time, a metaphor for the process of leaving the body as we know it.
(3rd row)"aquerraC", iphone, 3d animation, kitbashed resin figures, motors, solenoids, tambourine jingles, microcontroller, 5 gallon tank, water. The sound and water are activated periodically while the animated object on the screen perpetually traverses the waters.